Sabtu, 29 November 2008

Do not exceeted the limit......

All of us must agree if in carrying out the task monitoring MBS always held firm principles of ethics. Our task "only" saw, recorded, motivated and built. And the scope of our task of covering matters that were connected with "tiga pilar" MBS." Was really unethical if we afterwards carried out the inspection of other matters that outside "three pillars". We only saw; RIPS/RKS, RPP as well as his implementation, the classroom situation, and administration of PSM. If there is one that is other was that still was connected with socialisation material of MBS. And then we motivated so that friend's in the school believe in that MBS not something that could not be applied in the school despite with very limited facilities.
Don't exceeded the limit....... all always had his limits.

It is hoped.

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