Jumat, 27 Februari 2009

Focus Group Discussion (FGD)

Bupati Kebumen KH. Nashirudin AM. around Mr. Piet Supriyadi (Kemitraan, Jakarta), Mr. Mahar Moegiyono (Dinas Dikpora) and Mr Arief (Bappeda)

On Thursday, February 26 2009 was the turning-point for the achievement trip of the elementary school in the Kebumen Regency. Was begun by an effort to promote the achievement produced by the quality national exam from the level 32 to level 15 in three years. A difficult work and was not easy because of involving various educational components that the amount a large number of and spread the area throughout the Kebumen Regency. But will become heavier if we do not begin now. When again?? Now during him we were in partnership with the partnership (Kemitraan). It is hoped.

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

pak mahar minum p[ake tangan kiri di dekat pak kyai kok ndak kikuk ya?
di publikasikan lagi
wah wah wah
